Sunday, October 9, 2011


Yes, I became of legal age tuesday last week. I hoped this year would be different. But, as expected, just as the last 2 years, it sucked. It sucked because:
- the people I thought that would remember, yes, they forgot.
- I barely got anything.
- My parents didn't gave me anything this year. same as last year and last christmas.

Its not that I'm an ungrateful and insensitive bastard in the internet. I am not implying that my parents are bad ones(believe me, I think they are one of the best I know.), but still, they are not perfect, I know that. They have limitations on what they can give and do. But still. I feel bad. Its just that I was disappointed again on my birthday. I know what is happening in the world, with all its problems in poverty and other crap, but it supposedly my happy day, a day that I should be happy and carefree; a day I should be at least, greeted by my peers at school (if I have one). It is just disappointing and sad and shit. I have no one to tell this crap I have, so I'm posting it here. I bet no one reads this shit anyway.

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